Sometimes when setting up Topology Manager you might want to rewind, undo everything, and start fresh. After all, in version the install is a combination of PowerShell scripts with various configuration options, authentication mechanisms, etc and it is likely to get something wrong, and you want to start all over. If this is the case, I hope this article will help. Below I have the output of my PowerShell console where I remove all the relevant Topology Manager pieces. I also removed the Deployer and Discovery service, and at the end of the article I have those PowerShell scripts too, but from a separate window due to security rights.
The security rights for running and executing the Topology Manager powershell scripts can be confusing. To run the below scripts, please go to the Windows Start screen in Windows Server 2012, search for PowerShell ISE, right click and select ‘Pin to Start’. Then, right-click on it and select ‘Run as User’ and type in your own user params (assuming you are an Admin). Also, your user account needs to be in the Windows Groups for Topology Manager (yes, these are new and yes it is important to be in these groups). Now, you can run the scripts below. To uninstall the Deployer and Discovery services, you need to run a new PowerShell window as Administrator. Hope this helps!
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmMapping
CmEnvironmentId : Tridioncmsnd_landbdev2 PublicationId : tcm:0-11-1 EnvironmentPurpose : Dev WebApplicationId : FooBuWebSite_RootWebApp RelativeUrl : / PrimaryMappedUrl : http://localhost:8020/ IsOffline : False CdEnvironment : Id : Mapping1 ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmMapping cmdlet Remove-TtmMapping at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: (Type !? for Help.) Id: Mapping1
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmWebApplication
ContextUrl : / WebsiteId : FooBuWebSite EnvironmentPurpose : Dev CdEnvironment : ScopedRepositoryKeys : {} Id : FooBuWebSite_RootWebApp ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmWebApplication FooBuWebSite_RootWebApp
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmWebsite
BaseUrls : {http://localhost:8020} CdEnvironmentId : WEBCMSND_ENV EnvironmentPurpose : Dev CdEnvironment : ScopedRepositoryKeys : {} Id : FooBuWebSite ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmWebsite FooBuWebSite
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmCdTopologyType
Name EnvironmentPurposes Id ExtensionProperties ---- ------------------- -- ------------------- {Dev} FooBu_org {} {Preview, Live, Test, Dev} Foo_org {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmCdTopology
CdTopologyTypeId : FooBu_org Name : Local Description : CdEnvironmentIds : {WEBCMSND_ENV} CdEnvironments : {} ScopedRepositoryKeys : {} Id : Local ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmCdTopology Local
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmCdTopologyType FooBu_org Remove-TtmCdTopologyType : Item of type 'CdTopologyTypeData' can not be deleted. It is used by Business Process Type with id 'tcm:11-23307-4096' in the Content Management environment with id 'Tridioncmsnd_landbdev2'. At line:1 char:1 + Remove-TtmCdTopologyType FooBu_org + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Tridion.Topolog...logyTypeCommand:RemoveCdTopologyTypeCommand) [Remove-TtmCdTopologyType], DataServiceE xception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.RemoveCdTopologyTypeCommand
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmCdTopologyType FooBu_org
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmCmEnvironment
CoreServiceRootUrl : net.tcp://localhost:2660 WebsiteRootUrl : CoreServiceCredentials : "AuthenticationType":"Windows", "UserName":"Foo\mts_svc", "Password":"b1o$50Ming" Id : Tridioncmsnd_landbdev2 ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Get-TtmCdEnvironment
EnvironmentPurpose : Dev DiscoveryEndpointUrl : http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc Credentials : "AuthenticationType":"Anonymous" IsOffline : False ScopedRepositoryKeys : {} Id : WEBCMSND_ENV ExtensionProperties : {}
PS C:\Users\rcurlette> Remove-TtmCdEnvironment WEBCMSND_ENV
Removing the Deployer and Discovery Services
Run PowerShell as Administrator user
PS C:\SDL\Web\discovery\bin> .\uninstallService.ps1 Stopping service 'SDLWebDiscoveryService'...
SERVICE_NAME: SDLWebDiscoveryService TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 3 STOP_PENDING (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN) WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x2 WAIT_HINT : 0xbb8 Service 'SDLWebDiscoveryService' is stopped. Removing service 'SDLWebDiscoveryService'... [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS Service 'SDLWebDiscoveryService' successfully removed.
PS C:\SDL\Web\discovery\bin> cd ..
PS C:\SDL\Web\discovery> cd ..
PS C:\SDL\Web> cd .\deployer
PS C:\SDL\Web\deployer> cd bin
PS C:\SDL\Web\deployer\bin> .\uninstallService.ps1 Stopping service 'SDLWebDeployerService'... [SC] ControlService FAILED 1062:
The service has not been started.
Service 'SDLWebDeployerService' is stopped. Removing service 'SDLWebDeployerService'... [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS Service 'SDLWebDeployerService' successfully removed.
PS C:\SDL\Web\deployer\bin>
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